
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Think is time for me to really reflection what am i doing for the past few weeks ...

While in scouts today, i wanted to get an excuse letter from the fajar teacher just to skip some lesson and yea ... u know the rest , but seriously i believe i will not have enough time to complete what i am assigned to do ...

Surprisingly, what i get from him was a serious talk , he says that are u sure that u are willing to sacrafice your studies cos of these ... haha , i was stunned and really unable to talk back cos i know straight that i lose out if i even argue ...

Yea , i get that alot from ppl who even ask me why even go scouts when they bring you no profit , no gain ... nothing ... Not justs friends , parents , lucky they accept me for what i choose. =) ...

Anyway , to be honest , i dunno why i am like this ... random ?? maybe when the mood is there for me to do things i want .. i know how important that studies , especially when in poly is the point where it decided you future career and so on ... but at times, when i feel that i dun want to do these , i really cannot do it even if i force myself to it .

Plus , i know i say that i hate NPC to the core .. but still, seeing the boys and scouters trying hard themselves just to win some award , i think that i should too put up my best ... there's no gain, just pride .. maybe another reason is that i wanna redeem myself , conquring this event will be a blast ... =) haha, i am just happy that some of my ex-scouts friends from fajar are back to help out , really glad abt it .

So no more winding , i do my best for the last few day in training.

Entry by RedSeal

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Since Tuesday, November 18, 2008