Sunday, December 7, 2008 at 6:26 AM

Got this in the internet=) Enjoy :

You Might Be a Super Scouter If . . .

?? You own enough scouting mugs to supply the council office for a year.

?? You know at least ten different ways to lay out a cooking fire but don't know how to start your stove at home.

?? You can reduce the length of a fifty-foot long rope to ten feet by tying knots in it, and you don't have to repeat any.

?? You are asked to discuss a classic novel and you begin talking about old versions of the Scout Handbook.

?? You can frame a house with lashings.

?? You own so many patches you could make an entire fashion collection by sewing them together.

?? You are asked to name the three most influential figures in history, and you start with Baden Powell.

?? You have more palms than a small tropical island.

?? Your uniform is so encrusted with patches that it can stop 50 cal. shells.

?? You have so many merit badges that you have to but them on both sides of the sash.

?? Your patch collection takes up two rooms.

?? You have developed a tolerance to Philmont food.

?? You do all your cooking in a Dutch oven, even at home.

?? You never get lost in the forest, but you can't find your homeroom.

?? Your Fifty Miler patches stretch fifty miles when laid end to end.

?? You can prepare camp meals that are actually good, with no utensils.

?? Your Quality Unit patches extend from your shoulder to your socks.

?? You enjoy eating Pemmican bars (without the need of Tabasco sauce.)

?? Your adult scout uniform is green.

?? The moths don't even go near your red wool jacket.

?? You would rather sort your patches than go to dinner with your folks.
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