Cool off period ...

Saturday, November 8, 2008 at 7:11 AM

Hai .. another heck day in ventures ... or rather in life...

NPC , NPC , NPC , NPC , NPC ... i will forever hate this word , this event . For the years in scouting, i hated the camp to the very core. To many ppl, it bring challenges ,gives a chance for many boy scout to shine to their very top .

To me , it a killer, other then sec 1 when i was a happy scout, i will always lose something or someone great and memorial whether i part or indirectly part of the time. Every time i really look at those big structures and think that am i really that uncapable to making out this kind of stuff , even as an SPL in gss i cannot make it happen , what about rover in the coming future .

Today, i see how bad it can be , especially when it is last minute. Is really a FUCK UP thing in my life.

Not to mention that today , talking to *you* really make me emo especially when u nearly raise you voice , i dunno why. All i want is that bubbly feeling back as friends , can it be so difficult ? I dun mean to put the phone down on u like that, i really cannot bear to hear you talking to me with that tone. I really dunno how to face you after this thing is over...

Parry say is a cool off period and i everytime depend on his words to give me the courage and confidence to stand up one day , trying to make u happy with me once more is the hardest thing in my life. And if it success , i can be the most happy guy i can be. But for now, is really unbearable to even talk to u without showing signs of the feeling of us together.

I know i tell myself that i can live without you, but i guess no matter how much pain i divert , how much work i pile myself with, i can never forget the feeling inside me even when i wish to. All i ask is just good friend first and we can always carry on from there ~~


End of another day
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