Monday, November 24, 2008 at 1:19 AM

ARGH Fucking CATIA !!!
i am totally screwed for my test -.-
All i hope now is that SP com lab will be burn by tomorrow so we have to the test again .

I have become so dumb , too confident i guess ...
But this is not cos of scouts for sure ... ~ but me =x
Thou this test was suppose to be an easy task for me... i totally spoiled it =(

An hr before the test where everyone was last min preparing and redoing the past yrs test paper .. i sat at my com happily surfing the net playing games .. even draw a word FUCK out in the program to test test =x dumb la ..

Next teacher comes in and start the test .. i felt today wasn't even my day >.<
Cannot log in , the person have to come down and restart the com just for me !!
SWAY !! Starting doing and doing .. till end of test where i suppose to save 2 files , i found that i saved an extra file .. so common sense will tell u to delete the extra file ..

Turns out that the file is link to another and next thing i know i lost both files =x FUCK !! at the last 5 mins this shit happen to me ... ARGH !!

Just hope it turns out well .. Now i really gonna study hard ...
Fucking piss over my stupid action and luck
Why can't i have a easier life for myself .. ~
Sigh ...

P.s : Going NPC in the Friday morning , anyone going as well ?
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