Christmas Wish

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas =>

Another good day for everyone to be happy =D

Never really thought christmas was different this year =x usually i be in overseas celebrating with the family ... but this years i spend the christmas time in SG but still with the family .. =P not much of a celebration, rather a good day for all to rest well..

Thou my very first christmas wish is almost impossible to come true =<
I hope maybe my second wish will =D


Data currently for 2008 :

Weight :66 Kg

Arm showing signs of improvement =>
Chest slight improvement =>
Lower body no change =<
legs ...dun really care ..

Dumbell Highest weight : 7.5 - 10 Kg
Bench-press weight : 26 - 30 Kg
Pull-ups : 4-6

Hope to aim further and heavier load =X
Loving the pain but very tired every trip in the gym ...

HAHA !! i know many people go for the running ..
i rather do the weghts baby !
Entry by RedSeal

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Since Thursday, December 25, 2008