Good news

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Here is a peak on the FYP i have been focusing on for the past few months.

Above the is fuselage and below is the wing ... ( FREAKING LONG SIA)

Amazing, even thou our craftsmanship was so bad, the plan still turn out quite nice... I even had the time to do a proto type for myself, all in 4 days ... =D like alex said, it is freaking addictive once you start out doing these kinda stuff...

Some very VERY good news :

  1. Finally pass the DL, like thank god it over .... now it left with my father's test ... (aka, the fuel efficiency test. )
  2. Got the award .. =) Friday will be the day ... hope it will help in my uni applications. Otherwise, it will be a totally useless thing ... wander if they got the badge kind to sew on instead O.o .

However, some bad new thou:

  1. GPA drop ... >.<>
  2. Freaking no motivation to do my work .. not even scouts now la, like the motivation is not there.

Yup that's about it ... I am so gear up for this coming weekends... got to go some akela lantern festival ~ could be fun, too bad no rovers happen to accompany me ... ahh wadever, i am a total loner now ..

Maybe after that i will drop by survival camp to join them ?? who knows depends who is going and depends on my mood ?? haha (Yea, they dun need me there... just a person taking space anyways)

okie, Friday will show the good new photo if my dad happen to take it .. =) like i say, is really an achievement ever since losing the chance of getting the PSA (zzz .. bad memories, haha)

See ya
Entry by RedSeal

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Since Wednesday, September 30, 2009