
Saturday, August 8, 2009

This day ia about to end. I must say, it will be a silent and lonely one.

I started this day off studying at 12 midnight till morning in school, something i never even done before, some even asked whether i even have celebration with others... Ha, i am either a hated guy or a lonely one around that makes me that emo.

Nope, is just me, u , books and my family later,oh maybe those best friends of mine tomorrow. Every year, my wishes got simpler and simpler, even i have big desire and dream. i dun ask for that, all i ask was simple wishes. Last yr was a wish about love, and many things happen... sigh.

This year, i just want happyness in life, thats all, i am really tired or cludding up a corner and pour all my emotion on a wall when no one is there for me. i just ask to be happy this time round.

I hope that fucker above do soemthing for me the very least. Not that i am rude, but i have grown even more not to trust that god of mine nowadays.Thats all, let me enjoy the last few hour of my day =)

BTW: i sorrie, there are things i will never forget nor forgive. I am no asshole as well.

i know ... is an emo, selfish post of mine
Entry by RedSeal

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Since Saturday, August 8, 2009