Refreshed ??

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Yup !!
After a long night out, my first time clubbing was "can" say a blast!!

For a first timer, experience quiet alot of stuff, jurrel and gang plus gab and YX. Random but yea ~ no regrets.

Can say i am pretty timid over this kind of stuff, still wanna be the quiet and nice guy around ? =x, thanks for jurrel and gab guidence. I also thought that this clubbing thing is really for those who can dance ... till i got there i know what it mean.. Many will do the moves of shuffle or tech something, but if u dunno ... just get high and shake it out =) which i really get to do after a drink.

At that point of time, i wasn't really interested in looking nor grinding gals. I just wanna release all my stress and go high (but not extreme) to freshen up myself. Kinda last for an hour or so before it started to get boring. Will be great if a grp of friends come and dance around, but if is just a few, i dun see the excitment, and yea - i am pretty stiff in dance, sometimes i just stop in the middle of the song cos i didn't high feeling for a period of time.. haha

Friend's Friends of mine got into a fight and were brought out while i was still inside finishing up my jug of volka coke. When i got out, we were banned to go back it. Oh well,my first clubing end with alot of things to see rather =)

Even now after i got out from bed, i am still thinking, "Was i dancing last night in the club ? " ZZZ Werid man !!!

But i cannot say that this will be my last =D
Entry by RedSeal

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Since Sunday, September 13, 2009