Scout of the World Discovery Workshop

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at 4:59 AM

The new faces i meet =)
The new experiences i never had in SG
and finally, the new scouting feel i felt =)

I guess is really worth it ... especially for a 100 bucks..
I learn many things from them. Especially cheers and song .. ( some forgotten alrdy thou)
Some info... those overseas scouts are blangadash rovers & maldives scouters ... not sure whether i spelled it correctly thou ... surprisingly alot of them are like 20+ old O.o. They spent the 2 full days with us learning and playing ... cool huh

Next trip will be in India on DEC ... but but but ...
  1. is $250 for 15 days ... not enough money
  2. is 15 days of my school .. more excuse letters
  3. is within my exam period ... so sway
  4. is within my holiday trip to korea ... WTF

dammit, now i gonna miss this trip unless the organizer change his date ... if not, is a no go for me man !!!
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Shack !

Monday, October 5, 2009 at 5:13 AM

Over the weekend ~ Scout Scout Scout Scout Scout and more scouts ...

Will not update now cos too tired but just wanna say something in my mind. I may be ignorant over some thing and i try to be friendly and bear no grudges with u.

But sometimes, you are really a bitch. Seriously, i need to wake up to see who i can actually trust.
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Good news

Wednesday, September 30, 2009 at 8:58 AM

Here is a peak on the FYP i have been focusing on for the past few months.

Above the is fuselage and below is the wing ... ( FREAKING LONG SIA)

Amazing, even thou our craftsmanship was so bad, the plan still turn out quite nice... I even had the time to do a proto type for myself, all in 4 days ... =D like alex said, it is freaking addictive once you start out doing these kinda stuff...

Some very VERY good news :

  1. Finally pass the DL, like thank god it over .... now it left with my father's test ... (aka, the fuel efficiency test. )
  2. Got the award .. =) Friday will be the day ... hope it will help in my uni applications. Otherwise, it will be a totally useless thing ... wander if they got the badge kind to sew on instead O.o .

However, some bad new thou:

  1. GPA drop ... >.<>
  2. Freaking no motivation to do my work .. not even scouts now la, like the motivation is not there.

Yup that's about it ... I am so gear up for this coming weekends... got to go some akela lantern festival ~ could be fun, too bad no rovers happen to accompany me ... ahh wadever, i am a total loner now ..

Maybe after that i will drop by survival camp to join them ?? who knows depends who is going and depends on my mood ?? haha (Yea, they dun need me there... just a person taking space anyways)

okie, Friday will show the good new photo if my dad happen to take it .. =) like i say, is really an achievement ever since losing the chance of getting the PSA (zzz .. bad memories, haha)

See ya
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Refreshed ??

Sunday, September 13, 2009 at 7:28 AM

Yup !!
After a long night out, my first time clubbing was "can" say a blast!!

For a first timer, experience quiet alot of stuff, jurrel and gang plus gab and YX. Random but yea ~ no regrets.

Can say i am pretty timid over this kind of stuff, still wanna be the quiet and nice guy around ? =x, thanks for jurrel and gab guidence. I also thought that this clubbing thing is really for those who can dance ... till i got there i know what it mean.. Many will do the moves of shuffle or tech something, but if u dunno ... just get high and shake it out =) which i really get to do after a drink.

At that point of time, i wasn't really interested in looking nor grinding gals. I just wanna release all my stress and go high (but not extreme) to freshen up myself. Kinda last for an hour or so before it started to get boring. Will be great if a grp of friends come and dance around, but if is just a few, i dun see the excitment, and yea - i am pretty stiff in dance, sometimes i just stop in the middle of the song cos i didn't high feeling for a period of time.. haha

Friend's Friends of mine got into a fight and were brought out while i was still inside finishing up my jug of volka coke. When i got out, we were banned to go back it. Oh well,my first clubing end with alot of things to see rather =)

Even now after i got out from bed, i am still thinking, "Was i dancing last night in the club ? " ZZZ Werid man !!!

But i cannot say that this will be my last =D
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Monday, September 7, 2009 at 8:42 AM

Exams are finally FINALLY over !!!

1 sem .. 9 papers .. GONE in 3 weeks, unbelieveable and i can just feel the excitement as i hand in the last dreaded paper on friday at 5 p.m. ...

Past few weeks was a nightmare, i even dream i had to resit a chinese exam ... popping panadols in my mouth like non-stop just to get rid of the spinning headaches, and worst of all, every after paper, while comparing answer with friends, the feeling of you get some question wrong was like shit... it was like " FUCK, WRONG MEH ?? "and then after that is emo session ...

BUT EVERYTHING IS OFFICALLY OVER... 1 more sem to go for my little piece of diploma cert...
However, i still worried about my result, i just know i now those people below average grades, if like impossible to hit to NUS, now maybe NTU is a worrying thing for me as well. Next question is local or overseas ... i just dunno what choice to make or rather do i even have a choice .... zzz

~sigh .. As for the holidays ..

dunno what to do ... other than FYP, is like i have nothing else in schedule, i kept think of things to do during the past few days while slacking off in KL.. only scout stuff comes to my mind ... ZZz great how lousy life i have ...

Anyway, i manage to draw a few list of things to do:

  1. Part time job (somewhere decent for once .. =.=)
  2. Model District Pioneering Competition ( deadline coming up !! )
  3. Spring cleaning at home ( renovate =x)
  4. NRC minutes and stuff ( usual chores)
  5. Finsh up DL ( sian )
  6. FYL ... ( even more sian )
  7. REDO MY LITTLE POND OUTSIDE ( still thinking , any ideas )
  8. Train up for Nafa ( wanna slim down to 66KG)
  9. Cub Scout Handbook ?? (still thinking of doing it up, kinda motivated when i saw my old scout manual book)
  10. My Next year scout planout (cos this year is abit screw up)
  11. GET A FREAKING NICE AJAX FC JERSEY ( determind !!! )

yup yup yup !! It took my 2 day to clear my head to do all these during the school holidays !

Before i end, i just wanna say a few things :

If u dun want, quit ... If you dun bother, fuck off ... If you dun like, just say ... No one is forcing you, No one need to enduring you shitty behaviour ...

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A period where brain cells die...

Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 10:49 AM

Argh !!

5 papers down ..... but 4 more papers to go ...
Who in the freaking world will have so many papers in a sem exam ... (my friend has 11 papers thou , siao one ...)
Is a torture, worst thing is that SP is freaking lousy in planning ... we got 2-3 weeks and they go and plan 2 paper in the same day.. (1/2 hr break in between) ... ZZZ

MST 3 paper in 1 day cos only got 1 week ... NOW !! WTF sia ...

BTW, the 5 papers were a torture, i tried so hard and yet the paper just keeps getting harder nd harder ... Questions that i want them to come out never did ... those unexpected ones did and usually i turn to a friend to "clarify stuff" wahha ... ... but this sem is almost going to be a screw up for me .. hope me GPA wouldn't drop .... >.<
Anyways, after a good chat with someone, i feel so much better... still can smile ba. Dunno, but the chat was very random ... and i like ... haha. ..(dun get the wrong idea, is just CHAT RANDOMLY)

However, after that chat .. i dun believe my timing was that bad in freestyle swimming , so i try out on friday after my paper.. and the results are OMG.. I SUCK BIG TIME ..

An average fast sprint mine = 40 secs (taking a mean of 4 trys)
Best timing of mine = 39 secs
"her timing" = 38 secs ..
"her timing last time" = 32 secs ...

Wahh , a proof that i suck >.<
A good reason to start working out after the exam. Speaking of which, i stopped exercising for a while due to exam, although many will say thats no excuse, but i am not confident in the my studies ... so is --- more revision and more study time.

No worries .. after 4 sep ---> it is:

Lets see this sem holiday i can achieve anything...
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Always look on the bright side of life ... =D

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 3:54 AM

It is a note to myself =D ... be happy no matter what.

Things are starting to turn i hope =)

2) 2 papers downs ... still left 6 more to go =)
3) Sep is coming

Well, the very least is getting better ..
Won't want to emo much, will affect the mode of study.
I plan to stay away from all these emo stuff ASAP, and i really mean it ..Lol
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